Links To Our Favorite Resources
Supplies, Info, How To (6) Mid-Atlantic Primitive Skills Group (MAPS) Why do people practice primitive skills? The primary motivator for many is to be able to connect with Nature again on a deep level, something we’ve lost by being a part of modern civilization. To know that you can go out into the wilderness with no modern tools or crutches and live only on what Nature provides is a very liberating and enlightening experience. It re-teaches us that we all are connected to the Earth in a very intimate way and don’t have to depend on the machinations of the modern world for our sustenance. And this realization can lead us, if we let it, to a deeper spiritual understanding of man’s place in the universe.
Mike's Secret Soaper Links A personal hobby site oriented primairly to soap making with many links to related info and forums
Beekeeping equipment and Candlemaking Supplies in the UK Bee and Beekeeping On Line. Thorne the worlds largest range of beekeepers supplies. Labels, kits, hives, queens, courses, events, and more. A site that's an education in itself.
Hawaii Honey Queen Bees, Coffee, Honey, Beeswax, Candles, Nectar, Apiaries Hawaii HoneyBees Honey Queens Coffee HI Queenbees Beeswax Candles Hive Honeycomb drones pollen health food nectar beehive plantation java Kona pollen crosspollenation
i-craft - American Hobby Association Consumer Site i-craft has craft projects, kids project, a senior center, craft stores listing searches, craft tips and statistics, a teacher place, featured projects and National Craft Month information.
My Arts and Crafts - Your Online Arts and Crafts Community A website dedicated to the Arts and Crafts community. Inside you will find articles, resources, craft chat, a craft show directory, and craftsman directory.
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